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The Story behind Find a VA


Hello - and welcome to Find a VA!

My name is Ingrid Bayer, and I've been an active Virtual Assistant since 2008. I am also extremely passionate about seeing real and positive growth in our VA Industry.

In 2016, I established the VA Institute, whose key aim is to foster growth by building up a strong and talented industry through training initiatives founded on excellence, and aligned to principles of honesty, integrity, authenticity and reliability.

However, I still see there is a missing link, which is educating businesses (our clients) about what is available.  So often I'm asked the question "But where do I find a Quality Certified Virtual Assistant?".  Well, here is your answer... and not only will you find a Quality Certified VA here, but you will find a VA who adheres to those very principles that underpin what I believe constitutes a Quality VA.

Let me be very clear here - this website is not about me... it's about the wealth of amazing VAs who form this growing and dynamic industry - an industry whose time has well and truly come.

I hope you find inspiration here - because that is, in essence, exactly what I am seeking to deliver!


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